I have owned a business for over 10 years. It grew at first, but has recently stalled. I don't like this, because I dreamed that I would...

Against this background, I thought about the fact that there are businesses that have existed for a long time, and there are businesses that are closed, almost immediately after opening. Why is this happening? Maybe there is some secret of a successful business that some people know and therefore their business has existed for a long time? I reread a lot of things, but I didn't really find anything. Maybe noomarketing has an answer?
Business is a very complex activity, the success of which depends on a very large number of factors, and luck is not the last among them. Many businesses that have become quite successful have become so simply because they appeared at the right time in the right place. So, to some extent, the secret of a successful business, or rather one of the secrets, is to appear at the right time in the right place and correctly start applying startup marketing.
Appearing in the right place at the right time, they quickly took over the majority of consumers and won a certain prestige among them and, as a result, became monopolists. Of course, they appeared for a reason, but after an assessment of the business idea that underlies the startup was carried out. Today, it is very difficult and expensive to move them from this position, so few people try to compete with them, and as a result, they continue to be successful.
The Secret to a Successful Business is Simple
The answer is simple - the secret of a successful business is that a successful business is engaged in the development and promotion of some idea. With this approach, the main thing is not profits or sales volumes, the main thing is not the product that you sell, but the main thing is to promote the idea and have a product that matches this idea better than others. It is this secret that lies at the heart of the success of most successful businesses of our time.
The essence of this approach is that an idea is generated, a product is created for it, and this idea is gradually introduced into people, precisely gradually, not abruptly. On the part of the operator of this idea, certain measures are taken that leave this idea active in those in whom it has been implemented and are gradually implemented in those in whom it has not been implemented. You can implement all this, for example, if you order an inexpensive landing page.
By the way, just built on the algorithms for the development of ideas. This means that you can do what the companies that are known for this successful business do. Apparently, these companies have their own analogues, which allows them to achieve success. This is indicated at least by the fact that they achieve success all the time, almost every new product of theirs is a successful product.
It will not be possible to do this by chance, there must be specific technologies and high-quality internal marketing. This is also indicated by their approach to business. None of them showcased the product initially. Initially, only the idea is demonstrated and potential consumers are pumped through it. When the number of pumped consumers reaches the required level, then they begin to produce goods.
Your Own Market is a Guarantee of Business Success
Your own market is profitable. You can, of course, work in the common market around a common idea. By the way, many continue to work in the common market in the old fashioned way around a common idea, but trademarks do not work there, so the competition is very high. Also, there is no monopoly on consumers, so earnings are almost at zero. Even the business control system will not help correct the situation.
Having your own market is, of course, not as easy as working in a foreign market, but it is the most far-sighted strategy. When you work in the general market, you can do minimal marketing, but when you work in your own market, you already need active marketing. However, the difficulties are offset by the amount of earnings. In the general market, you can only make money in the beginning when this market is forming.
Then, when the market is formed and many competitors have entered it, you work almost to zero. In your market, you can actually decide for yourself how much you want to earn, and competitors will not be able to enter it, and this is the most important thing. Your market is reliably protected like a fortress. The common market is a field that is open from all sides and new competitors can always enter it. That's the whole secret of a successful business in modern conditions. So order a market, build your market and you will surely get rich.